“Ideas City : Istanbul” / New Museum, New York / SALT, Istanbul / 11,12,14,19 octobre 2012
New Museum presents
IDEAS CITY: Istanbul
Sponsored by Audi Urban Future Initiative
Lisa Phillips, Toby Devan Lewis Director, invites you to
IDEAS CITY: Istanbul
Keynote Address
Amanda M. Burden, Commissioner of the New York City Department of City Planning
Simultaneous translation English-Turkish provided.
Followed by Audi Urban Future Award 2012 Exhibition
Opening Reception, 8–10 PM
Hasköy Spinning Factory
Kırmızı Minare Sokak No. 5, Piri Paşa Mh., 34445 Beyoğlu, Istanbul
Boat shuttles from Kabataş Motor İskelesi to Hasköy at 6 PM
Bus shuttles from Hasköy to Kabataş Motor İskelesi at 9 PM and 10 PM
Panel Discussion
Untapped Capital: Structures and Networks, 2–4 PM
Burak Arıkan, Artist
Aslı Aydıntaşbaş, Columnist, Milliyet
Adam Greenfield, Founder and Managing Director, Urbanscale
Yancey Strickler, Cofounder, Kickstarter
Anthony Townsend, Research Director, Institute for the Future
Moderator: Marc Kushner, Architect and Cofounder, Architizer
Panel Discussion
Untapped Capital: Collaboration and Exchange, 4–6 PM
Yasar A. Adanalı, Urban blogger: Mutlukent (Happy City) and Reclaim Istanbul
Rupali Gupte, Founding Member, Collective Research Initiatives Trust
Selva Gürdoğan, Architect and Cofounder, Superpool
Suketu Mehta, Author and Associate Professor of Journalism at NYU
Yasemin Nur, Artist and Cofounder, Atılkunst
Moderator: Pedro Reyes, Artist
Hasköy Spinning Factory
Kırmızı Minare Sokak No. 5, Piri Paşa Mh., 34445 Beyoğlu, Istanbul
Bus shuttles from Kabataş Motor İskelesi to Hasköy at 1 PM and 3 PM
Bus shuttles from Hasköy to Kabataş Motor İskelesi at 4 PM and 6 PM
Workshop Session
IDEAS CITY: Istanbul World Café
In collaboration with SALT, the IDEAS CITY workshops will explore the themes discussed at the panels on a more pragmatic and grassroots level with regional students and practitioners including artists, architects, designers, entrepreneurs, urban planners, economists, sociologists, technologists, and government representatives.
All workshop participants are confirmed. There is limited seating for observers, please emailyorumlama@saltonline.org for more information.
SALT Galata
Bankalar Caddesi 11, Karaköy 34420, Istanbul
Panel Discussion
The Ten Commandments: What Ten Considerations Do Architects Need to Embrace for the Urban Future?
Christian Gärtner, Curator and Board Member, Stylepark AG
Ligia Nobre, Codirector and Curator, SP Lab/Studio X GSAPP Columbia University, São Paulo
Mi You, Curator and Writer
Moderators: Richard Flood, Director of Special Projects and Curator at Large, New Museum, and Mark Wigley, Dean, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University
Hasköy Spinning Factory
Kırmızı Minare Sokak No. 5, Piri Paşa Mh., 34445 Beyoğlu, Istanbul
RSVP to istanbul@newmuseum.org. Space is very limited.
Please indicate event(s) you will attend:
Keynote on Oct. 11
Panels on Oct. 12
Panel on Oct. 19
IDEAS CITY: Istanbul is a four-day conference in Istanbul on October 11, 12, 14, and 19, 2012, organized by the New Museum, New York, and held in conjunction with the inaugural Istanbul Design Biennial (istanbuldesignbienni
IDEAS CITY is a festival that explores the future of cities around the globe with the organizing principle that arts and culture are a driving force behind the vitality of urban centers. IDEAS CITY was founded by the New Museum as a major collaborative initiative between dozens of arts, education, and community organizations working together to effect change. The festival is held every other year in New York (the next one will take place from May 1–4, 2013) with satellite conferences and workshops taking place in international cities during the alternate years. IDEAS CITY: Istanbul is the first of these international events, addressing this year’s IDEAS CITY topic of Untapped Capital. newmuseum.org/ideascity
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
oui (10 octobre 2012). “Ideas City : Istanbul” / New Museum, New York / SALT, Istanbul / 11,12,14,19 octobre 2012. Observatoire Urbain d'Istanbul. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/slvu
je consulte avec plaisir votre site, m’intéressant au présent et au futur d’Istanbul.
Je m’intéresse notamment au quartier Balat-Fener-Ayvansaray, qui fait l’objet d’une importante et contestée opération de rénovation urbaine.
Des travaux de démolition ont commencé ce printemps à Ayvansaray près de la muraille, suscitant la protestation de professionnels du patrimoine et de l’archéologie.
Par ailleurs, un tribunal a annulé cet été le projet général, mais le conseil des ministres vient de décider de passer outre et de procéder à des expropriations d’urgence.
Malheureusement, je ne connais pas le turc, ce qui limite ma lecture de la presse turque en ligne. J’ai lu avec profit vos “promenades urbaines”, ne serait-il pas possible d’en consacrer une à ce quartier emblématique de la corne d’or, qui incluerait un dialogue avec les responsables de l’association opposée au projet ? Et/ou de consacrer un article de synthèse en français à ce quartier en plein bouleversement ?
en vous remerciant par avance
Bernard Gauthier