“Your house in Turkey 2012. A Buyer’s Guide to Best Recent Projects” / coll. Networking Turkey / pub. Depo Publishing
Introduction words of the editor:
” Turkey remains among the most promising real estate markets and it is increasingly a country that investors need to pay attention to, thanks to its strong growth prospects and favourable demographics. With a GDP of USD 770 billion, the Turkish economy expanded by 8.5% last year, thirdfastest among the Group of 20 industrialized nations, after China and Argentina. The country has a sizable domestic market, a population (about 75 million) that’s young, and plenty of catching-up to do in financial services penetration. All of that spells growth. However, it’s more important to establish the right tax, regulatory and legal environment to attract finance chiefs and to provide them a skilled workforce. Turkey doesn’t yet have those prerequisites, which is why it falls so low on indexes that try to measure finance centres. However, the country is certainly trying to become a more inviting place for global investors. For instance, the Land Registry Act has been amended recently and the reciprocity law, which has been considered as the main obstacle for foreign investors, has been removed. This guide you’re holding in your hands attempts not only to reveal current conditions of the real estate market in Turkey, but also to provide an insight for both global and individual investors.”
Source : http://www.networkingturkey.net/mailing_files/file/2012yourhouse_small.pdf
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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
oui (23 août 2013). “Your house in Turkey 2012. A Buyer’s Guide to Best Recent Projects” / coll. Networking Turkey / pub. Depo Publishing. Observatoire Urbain d'Istanbul. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/slx7